Welcome Local Businesses

We are happy to have you set up occasionally and connect with your local community. Space is limited, but we attempt to accommodate when possible.

2025 Market Season June 14th through October 25th.

Market Rules

The market runs on Saturdays from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm.

There is a $10 fee required for a one-time setup, payment can be made in cash or check made payable to the market on your date of attendance.

Participants are required to arrive by 8:00 am and remain until 1:00 pm. This is to keep everyone safe from vehicles driving through empty spots in the market setup. If you cannot attend for the entire time, please reach out to explain the circumstances and obtain prior approval. In the case of an emergency during market, please speak with one of the market committee members. 

All vendors must carry his/her own liability insurance [minimum of $1,000,000] naming WEBSTER’S JOE OBBIE FARMERS’ MARKET, INC. 4948 RT. 14 SODUS, NY 14551 certificate holder and Additional Insured. Before setting up at the market you will need to submit a copy of the insurance certificate, your agent can create one for you.

All vendors are required to obtain all necessary certificates and licenses required by the State of NY and/or County of Monroe to operate their business. Please provide the market with copies for our files.

Certificates/licenses can be submitted below or emailed to us directly.

Please note the following:

  • There is absolutely NO hawking of any kind permitted at the market.
  • Spaces are approximately 10'x10'
  • You must provide your own table, chairs, tent, etc.
  • Tents MUST be weighted down on ALL FOUR corners.
  • This is a carry-in, carry-out market, please take your garbage with you.

For a copy of our current BYLAWS, please click here.

Information on canopy safety and weighting guidelines can be found here.

Local Businesses, we welcome you to join us to raise awareness or connect with the community. But if you are looking to sell your products, please STOP and fill out the vendor application instead. Thanks!

Use N/A if you don't currently have a website.

Spots are 10'x10' and cost $10 for the day to set up, payments can be made by either cash, check or money order on the day you attend.

Market runs from the second Saturday in June through and including the final Saturday in October.

Per our Bylaws, all market vendors must provide the market with proof of liability insurance with the market listed as the certificate holder and additionally insured. 

Certificate Holder should be as follows: 

                       Webster's Joe Obbie Farmers' Market, Inc.

                       4948 Rt. 14

                       Sodus, NY 14551         

By submitting this application, I certify that I have read and understand the 2025 Webster’s Joe Obbie Farmer’s Market, Inc. ByLaws and that I will abide by all rules and regulations that apply to my operations. I further understand that failure to adhere to these rules and regulations is grounds for dismissal from the market and forfeiture of any fees paid.

Please email us with any questions.

Shop With Us

Shop with us

at Webster's Joe Obbie Farmers' Market and experience the best of local produce and artisanal goods! Support local vendors, enjoy fresh and delicious products, and be a part of our vibrant community.

See you at the market!

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